Call for Papers

The call for papers is now closed. If you still wish to submit an abstract, please contact Daniela Heinen ( We will review your request and inform you about the next steps.

Download the Call for Papers (PDF)

1.       The conference

The Academia Raetica is the association for the promotion of science, research and education in the canton of Graubünden and its surroundings.

On November 8 and 9, 2024, the Academia Raetica will host the conference “Graubünden forscht” at the Congress Center Davos for the ninth time. One particular feature of this conference is its focus on Graubünden and the broad spectrum of research areas represented here. Its unique selling point lies in its transdisciplinarity.

Of particular interest are contributions that either originated in Graubünden or focus on topics related to Graubünden. Researchers from universities in neighboring areas and the Alpine region are also invited to submit abstracts, if their topics are relevant specifically to Graubünden or the Alpine region.

“Graubünden forscht” encourages participants to look beyond their own horizons and open their eyes - and minds - to transdisciplinary research. Additionally, “Graubünden forscht” provides researchers with a platform to present their work to an audience outside their field, and vice versa, offers interested members of the public and scholars from other disciplines insight into the diverse research happening in Graubünden.

Conference website:  

2.      Call for papers

We accept abstracts from scientists (e.g., PhD students, Master students, postdocs until one year after completion of the first postdoc) whose contributions either originated in Graubünden or focus on topics related to Graubünden. We also welcome contributions from scientists from neighboring regions and countries if their topics are relevant specifically to Graubünden or the Alpine region.

If accepted, each participant will be given 10-12 minutes for a presentation. The definitive duration will be announced as soon as the number of presentations (max. 60) has been determined.

We accept abstracts from all areas of academic research such as natural sciences, medical and life sciences, economics, engineering sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

Since we want to give special consideration to transdisciplinary projects, we will provide some 30-minute slots for researchers to report in detail on their transdisciplinary collaboration. We would like to see these presentations given by at least two persons within the same transdisciplinary project to emphasize the involvement of experts from different disciplines.

3.      Your abstract

Please download the abstract template here. Name the abstract: GRforscht2024_Last name_First name

Key specifications:

  • submit your abstract in English (German as an exception upon request)

  • Abstract: 500-600 words, without authors and affiliations

  • Use “Arial” for all text including headings. Left align all text, images and tables.

  • Text should be 11 point with single line spacing.

  • Do not indent the first line of a paragraph.

  • Margins should be set at 2.5 cm all round.

To submit and upload your abstract please go to and complete the registration. You will receive an automated email to confirm your abstract submission.

A scientific jury will review all abstracts regarding:

  • Scientific output of the paper (further development of a methodological approach; scientific gain of knowledge based on the results obtained; innovative potential; approaches to solving everyday problems)

  • Comprehensibility of the article (title states what it is about; comprehensible structure; clear presentation of the method; meaningful derivations; clean argumentation and discussion)

  • Methodology (scientific quality of the methodological approach)

  • Social relevance

4.     Your presentation and audience

The presentation language is English. On Saturday we would like to offer some talks for the public in German. When you submit your abstract, please indicate in the comment field whether you can also present in German.

Please note that you will be presenting to a largely non-specialist audience. Describe your research in an easy-to-understand and illustrative way by using examples. Imagine explaining your work to a family member or neighbor who has little or no prior knowledge of your work. It is very important that you either explain or avoid technical terms.

The audience rating, along with the grade from the review, will be used for the overall evaluation of your presentation. We will award a cash prize for the best presentations in each discipline.

The Academia Raetica is offering the several workshops in preparation for “Graubünden forscht”:

5.      Deadlines & fees

Conference fee for contributors:

Master students

  • CHF 100 Early bird (registration by August 25)

  • CHF 120 Regular (registration from August 26)

PhD students

  • CHF 150 Early bird (registration by August 25)

  • CHF 200 Regular (registration from August 26)

Postdocs, scientific staff

  • CHF 180 Early bird (registration by August 25)

  • CHF 220 Regular (registration from August 26)

The fee includes all conference activities including coffee breaks, lunches and the conference dinner. Information on visitors’ access will be published separately.

Abstract submission and acceptance

  • By June 2, 2024: Abstract submission for all abstracts and transdisciplinary projects

  • By August 5, 2024: Notification of abstract acceptance (by August 15 for abstracts submitted after June 2)

6.     Travel Grants

For PhD students from member and partner institutions in the Academia Raetica network

Criteria for eligibility

  • Abstract submission by June 2, 2024, end of day

  • Full participation on both days of the conference

  • Place of residence must be outside the municipality of Davos (exception: Davos Wiesen)

Benefits: CHF 200 flat-rate contribution to travel expenses*

For PhD students from non-member and non-partner institutions outside Graubünden

Criteria for eligibility

  • Abstract submission by June 2, 2024, end of day

  • Full participation on both days of the conference

Benefits: CHF 400 flat-rate contribution to travel expenses*

Selection criteria

The Travel Grants are awarded to doctoral students whose abstracts receive a minimum grade of 5.0 or better (Swiss grading scale) in the initial review. If the allocated budget is exceeded, Academia Raetica reserves the right to apply additional selection criteria.

* We will be happy to provide hotel recommendations.

7.     Preliminary program

Friday, November 8, 2024

08.00-09.30 Registration and “Znüni”
09.30-10.00 Welcome and opening
10.00-10.30 Focus presentation: Transdisciplinary project
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.00 Parallel sessions 1 and 2
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.30 Parallel sessions 3 and 4                                      
14.30-14.45 Break
14.45-15.15 Focus presentation: Transdisciplinary project
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-16.45 Parallel sessions 5 and 6
17.00-19.00 Social activity with apero
from 19.00 Conference dinner

Saturday, November 9, 2024

09.00-09.30 Znüni (optional)
09.30-09.45 Welcome and opening
09.45-10.15 Focus presentation: Transdisciplinary project
10.15-10.30 Break
10.30-11.45 Parallel sessions 7 and 8
11.45-14.00 Science Lunch “Mittag der Forschung”: Special event for the public
14.00-15.15 Parallel sessions 9 and 10
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-16.15 Keynote
16.15-17.30 Conference awards for the best presentations, followed by an apéro

8.      Contact

We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions around the conference, please contact:

Daniela Heinen, Project leader conference “Graubünden forscht 2024”
+41 81 410 60 84

Academia Raetica
Obere Strasse 22
7270 Davos Platz