Vortragsblöcke und Abstracts
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02: Why does a snow scientist bring a saw and black ink on a field trip?

03: 110 years of rewilding enhances red deer density and plant diversity

04: Quantitative analysis of forest windfall damage using aerial ortho-imagery

05: Ground-based solar radiation measurements and the study of atmospheric aerosols

06: An allergic twin is different from a healthy one, right?

07: Characterising 'sugared' proteins with mass spectrometry

08: Sprint-Interval-Training under hypoxia in persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A feasibility study

09: Low-level laser therapy in patients with head and neck tumour undergoing radio- or radiochemotherapy

10: Sex bias in intervertrebal disc degeneration (IDD) and osteoarthritis (OA) research

11: How flexible are neutrophils to opposing signaling in atopic dermatitis?

12: Strategies for flow cytometric profiling of BCR immunoglobulin heavy chain isotypes: Comparing Fc receptor blocking agents

13: B cells expressing histamine receptor 1 or 2

14: Orbita: a new textbook for teaching Italian in the Canton of Grisons

15: Border experiences in the microcosm Graubünden

16: A comprehensive study of requirements engineering in Switzerland

17: Development of a test instrument for assessing flexible calculation strategies in third grade math

18: The effect of L-phenylalanine on CD4+ T cell activity
19: The gut microbiome metabolite heals the skin and gut epithelial barrier and shows anti-inflammatory effects

20: Decellularized extracellular matrix-based hydrogel enhances chondrocyte redifferentiation In Vitro and Ex Vivo

21: Blood speaks: Uncovering biomarkers to decode eosinophilic esophagitis

22: The role of B cells in the pathogenesis of eosinophilic esophagitis

23: Extracellular vesicles for biomarker discovery in EoE patients’ plasma

24: A mechanical stimulated 3D in vitro model for treating osteoarthritis

25: High-throughput proteomics in lymphoma - Mechanistic insights and clinical applications

26: Metabolic regulation of epithelial RIG-I signaling in viral exacerbations of asthma

27: Developing a new platform for drug delivery

28: Monocular visual odometry

29: Davos - Digital analysis of townscapes in GIS

30: Avalanche safety for roads: Probability maps of avalanche run-out distance

31: Avalanche safety for roads: Mapping and monitoring snow depth distribution in an avalanche release area

32: Semiotics of the mountain forest in 20th century literature from Graubünden

33: Buchdrucker in Gebirgswäldern im Kanton Graubünden: Herausforderungen und Chancen

34: Bergwald im Wandel: Analyse der räumlichen Verschiebung der Waldverjüngung über die Zeit

35: Bestimmte Immunzellen unterscheiden Patienten mit infizierten Knochenbrüchen von geheilten Kontrollpersonen

36: Machine learning methods for classifying wild red deer behavior

37: Das (r) der oberen Surselva: ein unliebsamer regionaler und sozialer Marker im Schweizerdeutschen?

38: Driving forces of land cover change in the Kauner valley and Martell valley since the 1950s

39: Evaluating the efficacy of pretrained large language models for automated ICD-10 diagnosis coding

40: What links volcanic and solar eruptions?

41: How common food emulsifiers are breaking down your gut’s defense

42: Is your sports routine protecting your health or pushing your immune system to its limit?

43: Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on body composition of cardiovascular patients

44: «Unheimliche Eistrümmer» - Oder: Wie liest man eine historische Beschreibung des Morteratschgletschers in Zeiten der Klimaerwärmung?

45: Die Strahlungsbilanz über Schnee im Gebirge

46: Der Klimawandel lässt alpine Wiesen früher spriessen

47: Der Einfluss von Föhn auf kardiovaskuläre Parameter

48: Advancing precision dermatology through tape strip proteomics

49: Auswirkungen von Achtsamkeitsübungen auf die mentale Gesundheit, Lebensqualität und Risikofaktoren bei kardiovaskulären Patienten

50: Assessing snow water equivalent reconstruction using satellite data and hydrological models in alpine regions

51: Spatiotemporal variability of turbulent fluxes in snow-covered mountain terrain

52: Exploring the relationship between mechanical forces and biological outcome in a cartilage model

53: Innovative bone materials promote bone formation and simultaneously reduce the inflammatory response

54: Analysis of Eligibility of the S1 Corridor for the Trans-Sacral Screw Placement in Geriatric Patients

55: A CRISPR-based assay for the detection of monoclonal antibodies

Solid Geometry Modelling: 3D printing helps to find more than one solution